Tell us what do you know about Taureans? ♉️
Καλός δερματολόγος στην Θεσσαλονίκη?
Taurus Dating: Fact or Myth
What’s an activity people seem to love, but you just can’t get into?
Taurus Mortal Enemy
'You are such a Taurus'
Is it just me? Or are guys ‘different’ nowadays
Jealous Taurus
Girls, how do you get your confidence? Any tips on how to speak up and start more conversations with people? I WFH but my coworkers always joke “next time you come in, be a bit quieter, chatting away constantly!”
i love how we get called boring but so many signs gravitate and become obsessed with us 😭
How did you share your past life struggles with your SO?
Gemini Venus
👀 like what
Making the most of my 20s?
Tips to avoid the all or nothing mentality?
I can’t stop crying
Is working out 2-3x a week enough for real progress?
URGENT I just got my first period
Ερωτήσεις για ΣΣΑΣ
75lbs -> 120lbs. never. give. up.
I am in favor of this
All my friends are either in a relationship or about be 🙄 i need some more single ideas
Reminder: It’s okay to feel unsafe in a situation
Can I pull off gold? Or is it off the table?
How to improve my makeup to look more like makeup?