How to Legally Avoid Inheriting My Father's Loan Debt?
To the Kia Carens commercial use vehicle - TN 12 BD 6763
Seeking 'The One'
*Ponnada nee!!!
The traffic heading towards Thoraipakkam from Pallavaram on the Radial Road - This is for you!
Drop your pictures taken from your workplace too!
Your Former Newspaper Intern - Now an Asst. Manager in an Animal Shelter: AMA related to animals!
Ideas for Prompts?
found on twitter 😭
The price, frequency and location. Everything is perfect
I lied about my degree to get out from police mamas
Some of the murals from Kannagi Nagar!
Another reason to leave your car at home: Ride on premium, luxury buses in Chennai
Commuters of MSB-TBM line, noticed the new paintjob?
Why tf Southern Railways making MSB-TBM line like Mumbai Locals?
Taramani Flyover
Stray dogs and solutions
Aerohub Stairs
Pov: You turn to ChatGPT to rant and it actually ends up boosting you!
Pov: You turned to ChatGPT to rant and it actually ends up boosting you!
Rant about bus drivers
Simping over mallus....
This is beyond Embarrassing
Govt employees of Chennai/TN, how much do you really earn pm?
Govt employees of Tamil Nadu, how much do you really earn pm?