The most overhated drink steel reserve is the shit
Who is that in TPB?
Who is that in cyberpunk?
She just love me cus my drgz
anyone else enjoy mixing gabapentin with meth
Any idea why Desoxyn is prescribed a couple of times a day, since meth has such a long half-life?
Help my fuck life is great
I swallowed the roach and now my shit smells like weed
Which type of drug addict is the worst to spend time around in yall opinion?
TPB easter egg
How to best use NO2. Dispenser or balloon.
Hugs in the animated series
Redditors with/without ADHD, what does 15mg of Adderall IR feel like for you?
how did he get a mental health evaluation and still get released back into society
Does anyone else not feel the good effects of weed?
smoking oxy
Anyone here ever done Vicodin?
Do you forget if you have taken your Xanax?
Stimfapping has ruined stims for me
If Daniel Had a Mcdonalds meal
Meth feels like Molly
why does dxm make time feel so god damn long???!
Ever since switching off of Focalin XR 20mg, my memory and executive function have sucked. wtf is happening?
Can you get high on dxm even if the amount you take is lower than the first plateau?
caffeine withdrawal is worse than any stim withdrawal