Is this the worst death battle of all time??
I've finished my Penny guide! (This is actually so convenient, because I was working on a Penny guide before this was even announced LMAO)
There's a Penny Guide I've made. Hope you guys like it!
Kratos vs Asura in a nutshell
So why is people disregarding Kratos killing Chronos so much?
Am I the only who thinks this match up would've been better?
Kratos vs Asura is the textbook definition of how bad sound design can break an episode.
why do the cartoons get a pass smh
“It’s hard to show battle damage in 3D fights! Kratos didn’t need to have battle dama-“
Alright. Let's be serious. How is Kratos going to kill THIS. This dude is the size of a planet, (not a mountain) and the Draupnir spear CANNOT create GIANT spears to impale and hold him down. And say Asura tries to crush Kratos with one fist and he stops that? What about his FIVE OVER FISTS?!
GGs, Kratos supporters. Even if this waiting period has been questionable, and personally think the battle could've made Asura more justice, I still humbly accept my defeat. Let's try to have a good after-fight.
Which dad would be deadlier to piss off?
I've had a day to think over Kratos vs. Asura, and here are my thoughts.
Asura fans are the worst
So I realized that Kratos vs Asura is the first time...
"One must imagine Asura happy"
I hate using this bad low effort template, but I had to get this out since people are already complaining about it.
Errrr.... He's right behind me.... Isn't he?
That's it?
Unpopular opinion, Kratos' feats from the games are already enough to beat Asura
Cats in the cradle: You know despite everything one of these God fathers is gonna leave behind an orphan child.
Can’t wait for Death Battle to portray Asura as some mindless amoral rage monster Kratos needs to put down. Despite the Dictionary Definition of ‘righteous anger’ just being a picture of Asura.
Where would you put this death? PART 4 Bardock
What makes belle good in heist?
Kratos claw of hades can work on asura