I’m a Canadian. Give me some hope that my country isn’t just about to be annexed by Trump.
Why is this sub so depressing?
Are you afraid of women being pushed out of the workforce?
I don’t know who needs to hear this.. but go to College.
How important is it that I let my Voc Rehab counselor know that I am taking 9 credits rather than 12?
What should I do with 70k in savings
Update: turning gear in; how did you celebrate getting out?
Using VR&E to Get Gov’t Job
Has any other young veterans retired early and lived off VA disability?
Should I retire now or invest in real estate to diversify my income?
New to Denver, is my utility bill normal?
Is it easier for girls to get boyfriends than guys to get girlfriends?
Waiver for UA in my unit
What are your alternative MH therapies?
I was military mp and stationed overseas, had to wear all that gear. They denied my knee but I have a rating for my back? Vso told me to ask my doc to fill out dbq for my feet and she refused to.
VR&E paying for a foreign language course??
How’s drill really like?
Erectile dysfunction
National guard drills
A US destination that feels like a foreign country
Best puppy friendly hikes/trails within an hour or two of the city?
Little under 2 years left on contract, and I dread going to drill
*actual* thrift stores? in or around denver
Are there any good places to rent or should I call it quits?