What is this?
Can someone explain what's going here?
After much consideration, I've decided. Any tips for a newbie and anything to watch out for?
Could this realy happen?
Power Supply on the work table
Was Sammelt ihr Gurken so?
What is the worst Thing you heard about the CIA?
What is the worst Thing you heard about the CIA or similar
A Bench That Comes with a Built-in Bottle Opener, Germany.
Kid Shorts wire
NÖ wahalla Udhommamed Awadallandbauer (Wahlkampfendspurt, dakamma keine Randgruppen unadressiert lassen)
Blursed Van
The Mother Of All Swiss Army Knives, 1880s. It Even Has A Fully-functioning .22-Caliber Pin-Shot Revolver...
Just a small snowball
Swing to slide....
Two doppelgängers, same name, same height, same hair colour, same profession.
The grains of this oak burl.
They finally found the perfect match
5 miles ~ 8 km