Alright, what ship do you guys simp over the most?
Playing the Game for the First Time
Give me a team of 3 and I rate it
How do Generals affect Aircraft Carriers
Critical thinking is for right-wing chuds.
I'm not sure about this one my dudes.
Best Jumps for Necromancy?
Nevermind a theme, just throw all the new toys at us. Potential for a missing units/characters DLC? Thoughts?
[Mobile] [2010s] Sandbox Viking Game
Making a ROM hack and want to make regular trainers harder. Give me a team of 4 of your favorite mons from up to gen 3 and I’ll try to put you in the game
Are campaign of races is different or they all play as the same as mortals?
CYOAs that take place in the real world
Tips for Branch Interviews
Choose your Legendary Lord Pack
Just my opinion
"For good of realm and wisdom's light/The Maester seeks to honor right." Maester Aemon "No-Longer-A" Targaryen wins Lawful Good! Who's Chad Good?
Suggestions on my bad Doubles UU Team
Tips and suggestions for a Doubles OU Sandstorm team
How to get Fused Starters?
The Class of the Heroes of the Lance
[Question] How do you deal with heroes/lords in battle?
Tips to not be a meme as Sgt. Hammer
Let's see those hours