Ile wydajecie miesięcznie na owoce?
Ktoś szyje na maszynie lub bawi się w kaletnictwo ?
Should I use Filmic or Standard setting in color menagement for interior visualisations?
Czy ktoś był w Ghanie lub innym afrykańskim kraju? Jak podróż i wrażenia?
Where did the marks that divide the necklace into five parts disappear?
Malzahar passive VS Cassiopeis Q
Dzisiaj jest 82 rocznica bitwy pod Zaborecznem
Thoughts on Sublime Bartlett
Can Ladybug create items to negate other Miraculous powers?
Aside from Zabimaru, Which Zanpakuto do you think didn't reveal its true name to its User when he/she achived "Bankai"?
My season 6 theory (Illusthrater spoiler)
My theory about Guardian role in season 6 (Season 6: Illustrhater spoilers)
Czy podwyżka 1500 przy zarobkach 5000 to realistyczna kwota czy zbyt zawyżona?
So can every hero use their power multiple times now?
Jaka reklama sprawia, że jasny szlag was trafia?
ChatGPT deleting its own responses when I reach the limit for free GPT-o
Will we see Sublime use a miraculous?
Assign a color to each companion
Something I've noticed recently about Kayn is how perfectly in-lore his ability evolutions are.
How do I make the bricks slightly irregular/warped?
Why the constellation and the reveal looks different?
I, so can the devs swap de Wounded Whitheflame to Starwound pack in the Kayle Deck? Look at this good boy. He deserves a chance to shine.
Mel - Abilities Reveal
What if we get an option to go down in level and/or stars for an adventure? To replay old ones without being overpowered
I need a reason why geese don't like my druid player