Official 2025 Sundance Film Festival Buying/Selling/Trading Thread
Extra Tickets to Bubble and Squeak?
Camera Negative vs Grade: The Barbershop
Log vs Grade: The Barbershop
The Barbershop - A Doritos Spec Ad
My friends and I made an Alien VFX ad that has a 1 in 3 chance of airing at the Super Bowl!
My friends and I made this spec ad for Doritos called The Barbershop. Now we have a 1 in 3 chance to be the youngest filmmakers ever to have an ad in the Superbowl!
YVR Domestic Baggage Check Cut Off
Handheld camera operators, how much do you intentionally shake to aid in the storytelling?
Cinematography of Civil War (2024)
How do I get rid of the massive glare from the car windshield?
Some stills from my latest short [Mini LF + Signature Primes + Impression Filters]
Sony Venice vs. Alexa Mink
"Best" PL lens kit for ~$35-40k
How to achieve this look? (Or basically any look from this movie)
What are your go to diffusion filters and why?
Planning for the end of film school.
Sekonic L-858D-U Speedmaster