I made it, see y’all in the network test!
Dark souls 2
can you enjoy this game while being a casual player?
Souls games ranking
What game should I buy on the PS4 pro
I just beat Dark Souls 3, what should I play next.
Do you guys think Isshin Ashina is harder than isshin the sword saint?
Can anyone help me fight manus on ng plus?
Shura ending
Any tips for me before I start sekiro?
What game should I play?
Just beat ds3 for the first time
What do you guys consider the halfway point for dark souls 3?
What should I focus on?
What ending do you think is best?
What’s your favorite soulsborne game and why?
I'm just burnt-out
I'm sick of people saying the 2nd half of the game is ass
What soulsborne game do you think is the best and why?
What should I level up now?
Will I like ds3 more than ds1?
Opinions on sellsword twinblades?
List your top 10 weapons in the main game
Do you guys prefer the greatsword or dark moon greatsword?