Should I still go to my Dr appt if the specific pain stopped?
Did you experience a steep decline in your young adulthood?
Neck pain, pls help
Cramps + SI Joint Dysfunction = Hell
How do I tell my fiance about this sub?
Sacroiliac Joint Pain
I'm always confused on what it means by blue sclara does this look blue?
Blue sclera?
Any advice on how to strengthen my knees?
Is this an EDS thing
Do your joints sometimes seem looser than normal?
Does EDS get worse over time or typically stay the same as you have it?
When I use my cane, my shoulders are really lopsided
Slow bleeding??
Little wins
Tips for doing hang cleans with EDS
Anyone taken magic mushrooms while taking lamotrigine? And how did it effect you on currently on 50mg soon to bump up.
LIAM PAYNE DIED????? and what this that maya henry thing and all can someone explain please
Haunted Houses
Found this gem at my debate tournament (at Kickapoo)
Getting worse
Do any of you guys have epilepsy horror stories?
Can sensory issues cause seizures?
Barely any appetite
First pain management appointment sucked