Where to invest your first fuel as Wher? OQ Grens vs 222/Stummel (2v2 / Elo1.4k+)
Grand Slam : Rei Tops All Factions 1v1
Someone shared their cinematic screenshots, reckoned I could too!
When are Steam reviews finally going to be positive?
I Made A Thing, I may make more things (for the other maps) if you like it, please let me know.
Should I play Company of Heroes 3?
Easiest faction for a (sort of) noob?
One of the target grounds of all time
If you think Jaegers blob was bad, check this out
What's your opinion about the Stuart light tank?
Coh3 noon seeking assistance in getting better
How do I select the same type of unit at once? [CoH3]
You know this game is miserable when even people you know at the top are miserable
Pretty Sure This Was A Lucky Glitch?
Wait for it.... It's like Timing a Grenade on Retreat Path But 100x the Explosion
This is my CoH3 experience after shifting from COH2
I understand they have to give them matches but….
A classic tale as old as time.
Looking for homies to play with
Returning Player - Current State of COH3?
I Uninstalled Today Due to Cheaters
I didn't know it was possible for ELO to go this low
US Motor Pool & Indirect Fire challenges - 2 birds 1 stone solution - thoughts?
(2) Salvation - New COH3 Map published
Build order for USF? Returning to the game since launch..