Nyaya yemapete
Zim men why?
Which places in Zimbabwe anonzi anoera and why
I know zim is tough right now but ZRP zvanyaya
TV series to watch
Do they have flights from harare to hwange and harare to mutare? I cant find any airlines that go there
Good evening Zimbos. When I get money, I will help as many people as I can on this sub. I love that we are anonymous, they are people who have helped me financially here. A lot of people are going through a lot. God bless you
Imagine a World Where We All Helped Each Other--Here’s My Small Contribution
Tipei tinzwe mawanei koVale or maitei ,im broke but i got my girlfriend cupcakes kuti asazonyanye kunyara
What's your take on this guy who got stood up on Valz?
Do you believe there is witchcraft (varoyi)?
Counterfeit goods
Toll Gates
Are you in zim or diaspora
Hospital cash back plan.
Am I the only one just roaming around without a medical aid ?
Zimbabweans in the diaspora what do you miss most about Zimbabwe besides people? For me it's Mazoe
How satisfied are you with yourself
Can anyone explain the current storm going on in ZANUPF
Traditional medicinal practices in Zimbabwe
What's something you wish people talked about more in regards to marriage? Be it good or bad.
Green Coffee Farmers
Recommend me some popular music from Zim?
Business management systems.