I will kinda miss the scav spawns on customs
Why is PVE soooo.. Pre-Alpha?[Feedback]
[Feedback] Why is it SO LOUD when you get headshot?
[Screenshot] Killed a player scav in this little room in bunker. Proceeded to have somewhere between 10 and 10,000 scavs walk through the door one at a time. The scavs are insane this wipe.
[Screenshot] While everyone is out there prestiging and getting kappa, I finished my FiR bean shelf.
[Screenshot] Two yellow keycards from cultist circle
Vector SDP vs SDP Enhanced (45 Gen II)
Cultist Don't Spawn (PVE Solo) 140+ Raids on Night Customs (BUG)
Best optic?
[Screenshot] Ran into the Goons and the Cultists together on Customs
[Discussion] Insurance after death on Customs
Sound dampening muzzle devices a thing?
The “this is 100% a gimmick but will still sell like hot cakes” starter pack (I’m guilty of some of these)
Look for a suppressor any recommendations?
Potted my Schefflera
Trying to identify a moss
[Bonsai Beginner's weekly thread - 2025 week 5]
Schefflera Bonsai Potting
Has anyone done a review or have any comments on the gen 3?
[Feedback] Found In Raid requirements for Hideout make no sense. GPSA doesn't need to be Found In Raid, but can't be assholed. Perfect sense. Why is the SMT and GPSA held at the same value for this upgrade?
Need exhaust suggestions
Update on my shefflera