Je Reddit levicový?
Socialists: Learn the Basics
Skladba daní v různých Evropských zemích
Billionaire squirms after being asked his net worth by a french economist
Nulová sebereflexe EU
What never finding out about the Marginal Revolution does to an ideology
If “the purest form of capitalism” is to have no government, who enforces contracts?
Mildly infuriating - proč je v legendě ze všech prvků přeložený do češtiny jen kobalt ?
Global Warming Has Accelerated: Are the United Nations and the Public Well-Informed? Latest paper from James Hanson
For everyone who wants to stop investing because of tariffs
Are Trump's tarrifs actually good from a degrowth perspective?
What do you believe is the most anti-consumption country in the world
The World’s Best Hope to Beat Climate Change Is Vanishing
Recent Frederico Faggin interview on the nature of consciousness and free will
Nový průzkum CVVM - Kde se Češi řadí na pravolevé škále?
What are your thoughts on Sam Harris's belief that people can be both ethical and billionaires and those who say otherwise are pushing a left-wing myth?
Myslíte, že jsou takové ztráty možné?
Děti Země podaly žalobu proti přehradě Nové Heřminovy.
New research: Climate change could cut the global economy in half
Does anyone else agree nearly 100% with Sam on everything?
Fairbanks, Alaska just failed to drop to freezing... in mid-winter