If Miley Cyrus was born in England...
Autism isn't about taking things literally. That's kleptomaniacs
I know I post some bad food puns.
What's the most normalized addiction?
Caught this on backdoor cam
If I had to rate the solar system
People say I talk about my privates wayyyyy too much
A man of letters
What do you call a cup that broke from the heat of the tea poured on it?
[ Removed by Reddit ]
I am roman
Oh thats hard.
Does anyone else see what I see?
40/M, full time healthcare professional with two small companies
What’s her first name?
Why are there no Walmarts in Iraq?
What’s the difference between a peeping Tom and a pick pocket?
I can't believe someone thought this was a good place to plant flours
What is this movement? It is normal?
I’m sure it’s frustrating for the adult entertainers to have to twerk from home on snow days.
I give up
I Give Up
I'm in love with geometry especially anything under 90 degrees