Varnám a buszom, ez fogad a varóteremben...
Valaki(k)nek felnyílt a szeme
Marika néni betelefonált az álhír tv-be, aztán majdnem agyvérzést kapott
Absolute cinema.
I am tired of this
Have yall had a race go extinct in your castle?
Anyone else have a glitch Meeting Dervenin in the quest Skeevers Of Unusual Size?
Megalázták az utcán a 14 éves fiút
Taking 3D items and turning them into books
When do you think pz’s life cycle will end?
How I imagine the Illuminati gonna return
Hol kapható a LEGOLCSÓBB gyros Budapesten?
Is there a way we as a community can come to together and agree to stop throwing strats like this? Or at least wait until everybody is on board?
The Great Purge
Please help.. I tried everything
Budapest, Rákosrendező, 2030. színezett.
Siker, siker hátán, a világ irigyel
reason 152 not to throw outro strategems:
A Kékestetőről és a Velencei-tótól is látszódna a Rákosrendezőre tervezett 500m-es felhőkarcoló
Do they also save cereal boxes
This is why we use condoms
Anyone here know why tf the wider lego community is so obsessed with wolfpack beastmaster? I mean hw looks cool and it's nice castle representation but idk I think he's a little overhyped.
Starship 7 debris: Truly Fascinating and Haunting at the same time
Idk if this is a known hack/exploit alr but this needs to be kinda addressed