What the hell is this? Trumpcoin? YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE PUSHING WEBISTICS
Terrible accident that kid had
My pizza never hurt nobody
For the people who think this isn't what it is
No, Say Never. He's a Shopping Cart From Here On Out.
Like I said... I was doing a lot of coke...
Absolute Cinema
Would you fuck her? I’d fuck her. Imagine her womanhood wrapped around your throbbing man cock.
name this boy band
Chaps, too
Walt Fuckin’ Whitman here.
She's a knockout, a ten. And look at you, you're average at best.
It's my hobby, why you gotta belittle it?
What Ginny Sack needs is her own Schwarzschild radius.
That animal Blundetto
Put $50,000 gutair down on docking station.
I need help finding a video that I think I saw here but it might’ve been a fever dream and it’s not real
What are ya cryin about? Life insurance. She's covered! Ya prick!
You disrespect new, that's why you were fuckin' passed over! You want upvotes, you give upvotes. Simple as dat!
Oof maddon, she looks terrible
All day long in those chit chat rooms. Working like a little school girl.
The rest of the world on Monday
My fault the cat's a klutz?!
You know what I don’t understand…what do these other posts have that mine don’t have…