I think in games where both teams camouflage is similar one side should always wear duck tape like the Ukrainians
Did you get worse over time
Which side are you on.
Is there a way to play with bots ?
My past 3 public servers I’ve tried to join:
It’s surprising how effective full auto in “that” direction is
Any ideas for removing a lug nut that's stuck in a socket?
Is there a way we as a community can come to together and agree to stop throwing strats like this? Or at least wait until everybody is on board?
How to adjust end links for a lowered car
Can I use plate light for brake light?
tried it again and changed my mind
(motorcycle) How do I remove this bolt???
Compression test , what am I doing wrong ???
Goodbye TikTok.
I see old VWs mentioned here as a good starter project. But what about a diesel one? Would that be a no go for any reason for a noob?
Stratagems bouncing genuinely adds *nothing* to the game
If “I Am” then who am I?
Is it loyalty or attachment issues?
How do you tell if a man likes you or absolutely hates your guts?
Trying to get with this hot mom how do I go about it?
How do I remove this surface rust?
First project $50 civic is a BEAUTY
Took it out for a spin
Would attempting to fix this myself be a fools errand?