Eggs were gone in less than 10 minutes at Costco
Best friend ghosted me for two years. My dad died, then he finally gives me a response
Dammm grandkids
Be careful joining protests Ladies
Why is it still gummy?
Smith machine reverse lunge - are my hips tilting too much?
AIO to my husband (we’re both 45) being friends with a 31 year old woman that he works with who he also texts often (messages are between him and her)
Anyone feel like the Beyoncé hate train feels insidious and aligned to what’s going on in the current political climate?
Saw this on TikTok🤪
I hate my job
LMAOOOOOO Have y'all ever overproofed so much it's inedible?
Do you like being a Black woman
Did my bf give me HPV?
TikToker tries to "show love" to homeless person for content
I’m so proud of myself for my growth in dating
My girl Arnelda looking like a sweater
Best loaf yet
AIO for getting upset from my wife’s response to my question?
Makeup after a 12 hour shift
This scene is INFURIATING to me
How do you ladies think I handled this?
What has dating been like for you?
What kind of oregano is this?
My mom is a pickmeisha and I’m tired of it
Roommates keep pushing my boundaries