Endless mode
I finally updated my GUIDE OF FOOLS - what do you think?
No matchmaking?
Heads "disco ball" really feels unbalanced
PS5 Trophies
Cross platform online coop help
Achievement Issue Plz Help
So many buuuugs
Is this too many harpoons?
Connection Problem in Co-op
Switch Crashes when having money generation
Endless mode update is out now!
Does anyone know if the endless update is scheduled to come to PS5?
Idea for a ship inspired by how you can switch characters mid-run if you unlock them
message in a bottle didn't show up until i was sailing away
Gold build not functioning as expected? (740k gold with 11 Light Purses)
DLC questions
Field of view bug
Is Xbox ever getting endless mode??
How do you deal with stun?
Why is my magazine size only four? Fish eye i supposed to have a size of six, I have a trinket for plus 30% magazine size, and no trinkets that reduce size. I unlocked Lotte in the previous room if that has anything to do with it.
Issues while playing?
Xbox - Ridiculous Controller Lag - Couch co op
Light toolbox is not marked as damage/health related in the way that light drill, the ship, and the hammer are.
Our birds beat the game