Today I laughed at tourists that I was touring
How did you meet the love of your life?
What’s the douchiest thing you’ve ever done?
What is the worst fandom?
What’s something that you really wanted to do as a kid but never got a chance to?
What’s the worst thing someone has told you “as a joke” but still hurt you?
What was the weirdest person you’ve dated like? And why did you continue dating them (if you did)?
[Serious] Folks who have considered ending their lives, what made/makes you keep going?
"I put that s@!# on everything" — for what condiment/sauce/topping would YOU use this phrase?
Redditors with asshole neighbors, what is the worst thing they have done to you?
What’s something you thought was normal but later learned it was weird?
What is your favorite song on Self-Titled?
What is the creepiest neighbor story you have?
What is the worst New Years party you’ve been to?
What is the worst pick up line you’ve ever heard?
What popular rumor at your school turned out to be true?
What was the moment you realized that you shouldn’t have showed up to a date?
Adults of Reddit: What is your biggest regret from your teenage years?
Friends of super rich kids, what is that like, are they nice people?
What should you not base your whole personality on?
What was the scariest moment you’ve had on a date?