can't believe i live here now
DFW Airport & the newer small tolltag
Got robbed
Looks like the business model of those super-cheap chinese sellers on eBay might be wrapping up
2x Casa Blanca Contax G2 Kits
What light meter do you use?
Anyone else tired of damage to their vehicles due to potholes? Report them! Link below
How can I report META?
The USA's loudest endorsement ever: CISA urges everyone to use encryption!
If you attended the furry rave at Andy’s last night..
Which AT&T long lines sites were equipped with the underground bunkers?
My fantastic 4
why did you save me? <@SignalFragility>
San Antonio on Film
Uptick in law enforcement traffic stops
see you soon <@SignalFragility>
Found inside book from used book store :(
Tagged/Spray Painted Waymo
almost gone <@SignalFragility>
Hunt Hill Bridge Blockade
Some pictures from the ongoing protest
if you let go, i will let go <@SignalFragility>
Video Game Modding
Channels <>