Putting down the family rumors of having Native American somewhere down the family tree
Ashkenazi Jew + Face
Melania Trump giving Justin Trudeau a look
I’m taken aback by how bad S4 is
Kansas City, Carcosa.
Miami police officer shoots and kills man holding a woman hostage with a machete. (NSFW; GRAPHIC/BLOOD)
ALLEGEDLY I’m a N*zi all because i went to the USB arena show (see full screen shot)
Anyone know what this represents? Saw this in Rome.
What comedy movie is a 10/10?
Is this how much you all make?
$47 billion to $280 million: What went wrong at WeWork?
YOLO'd $50k house down payment 2 weeks ago. Long story short, I won't be buying the house. Or getting the deposit back. Here's the details~!
18 year old teen jumped off a cruise ship (Bahamas) on a dare. And was never seen again.
Stay away from moderate, conservative men
The good ole days.
My bagholding IRA after news that BBBY secured a $375 million loan to shore up its liquidity
Is 100% Irish as an American weird?
Could Lalo kill Howard?
Coming out as Trans soon and I don't plan on becoming a hate crime statistic
First purchase. Haven’t touched a handgun since the army (2001).
How big should a group be standing from 50 yards?
What Are Your Moves Tomorrow, April 05, 2022
I believe what is happening...