Total Elf Death
Headset Splitter for PC only Producing Audio in One Ear
How common are hackers on console?
What happens to Caesar’s group after War?
Who is your favourite operator?
What was Ubisofts biggest mistake?
I can’t fucking stand hit reg in this game
Weekly Questions Megathread
He privatized the newest video
Left Paddles on Instinct Pro don’t work?
Sample text
Why does nearly every jacket have to be bare chest?!
Does harvesting feel “off” to you or am I going crazy?
Anyone Unable to Harvest Chitin/Keratin from Trikes and Stegos?
What is this slot for and where do I get said item
From @therealjzargo on IG.
What are some popular games that never really clicked with you?
This shit ain’t nothing to me, man.
What is this little caution symbol on my games? ⚠️
What is the harshest punishment in your world?
Instinct Pro Left Trigger Squeaks When Locked
For the firearm fans here, which guns have your favorite design?
Commander Ikande can eat my entire ass.
What do you think/hope the first DLC will offer?