hottest tea that happened at med school? ☕️🐸
Doc said I don’t have a gyno. What do you guys think?
How long til his body will give up?
Weight loss pre/post surgery
Anyone have surgeon recommendations in Chicago?
comlex 1 score release 7/18
6/21 COMLEX 1
Dr. Adajar XSculpt
Chest indent
Is osteopathic manipulation therapy legit?
C average student - how badly will this affect me
Rad 140 dosages
Good evening everyone. It’s been over 880 days since I’ve touched cocaine and over three years since active methamphetamine and heroin addiction.
Intern Year - Lost & Lonely
Rented a hotel room for two weeks so I can kick heroin w/ kratom and Suboxone!!
Anki while dreaming?
Is my opiate addictiin justifiable havinf both multiple sclerosis and erectile dysfunction?
Health care in US is shit nothing new though what a surprise
AANP wants this video banned immediately [Meme]
Took RX as prescribed: still had withdrawal and physical dependency issues. People who didn’t? It doesn’t matter. It is awful for everyone.
[Meme] quality not quantity
How much (prescription) clonazepam would need to be used over how many days for it to lead to withdrawals?