Daily Fever Episodes
Orencia and med add-ons
Wedding Dress Cleaning
Experiences Dropping Methotrexate, Just Taking a Biologic?
Restaurant Reservations
Orencia Injection Site Irritation
Sean Loughnanes
What’s the weirdest smell you actually enjoyed?
What is happening in the greyhound track tonight?
My doctor wants to switch me to Orencia, Rituxan, or Actemra infusions, so I’m looking to hear personal experiences with any of them please!
Fertility Treatment- IVF/ICSI?
Wedding in Hyde
Whats your salary range after 4 years in pharma?
If you are taking MTX and biologics, do you get a blood test every time you are sick?
If you could bring one thing back to Galway, what would it be?
GP in galway
Anakinra skin reaction?
MRI waiting lists UCHG/Bons/Clinic or Merlin
Meds not working as well
Wedding rings
Officially joining the club
Joint pain but no inflammation?
Galway Cakery - are they worth ordering a custom cake from?
Private gastroenterologist
Parkmore Roadworks … what exactly are they doing?