Missing my Van Extra Today
Some Discogs advice for a noob...
Re-repotting Help!
Songs with Years in Their Titles
Can anyone ID? Gifted, not Poached!
One of my GOAT - Lovage
What type of music do succulents/cacti like?
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Stray Help Pls!
Need Help with Denon X4300H - no GUI
My ultra masculine bedroom
what song just oozes sex
Every great group or artist has a magnum opus. What's one for you?
The Baby Needs Her Pillow! (& her pink turtlenecks…)
Got money so you know what that means… Food? No, vinyl.
College Student Budget Full Setup
If music was your entire aesthetic, what songs would you show off ?
Should i change the cartridge?
What Vinyl Has Become a Surprise Favorite?
Collection after 3 months
What is Psychedelic Punk?
Gimme your playlists, I'm the playlist theif.
You just left work pissed off. What’s the first song you put on in the car as you’re leaving to go home.
Advice for Affording FELV Cat