Kentucky vs Oklahoma Live Chat 🏀🔵
Damn right I'm judging you for this. Who you got?
Inappropriate Questions
Books VS show
UK fans tonight…
Cooper Flag comes down awkwardly from a rebound with what seems like an ankle injury and has to be helped off to the locker room
Wife wants to name our twins Romeo and Juliet
My girlfriend 18f keeps going to talk to her ex behind my back and also cheated on me 18m with him. Am I dumb for staying?
AITA for not moving so group can take a photo?
AITA for telling my husband his breath smells?
SEC Tournament 🏀🔵
Dr. Hart Aka Summer Roberts
Seeking getaway from family
AITA for not giving in to my families constant request to visit
Boy Mom
AITA for laughing at my friend who asked me gym advice?
AITA for waving to a toddler whilst the parents weren’t looking?
I Still Watch Kids shows every night and I'm an adult now
Regular Season #Over
My Boyfriend (M27) Just Broke Up With Me(F19)
AITA for watching “The Nanny”
My baby fell off my bed
I traumatized my son