Our first morning sky :')
Completely lost in life. Recommend me some games.
my guy trundle appeared on his first lol cinematic just to get rekt 💀
Animation project I made for the season 2 🖌️
Best ultra wide screen for gaming/editing not bigger than 34", and OLED?
Best phone internet provider?
Preview of Last Stand Ekko
Shaco build help
Moving to Paphos, is 490€/month including water and electricity for a 50m² studio a good price/month?
[s2 act 2 spoilers] Random theory, thoughts?
[s2 act 2 spoilers] [spoiler] Random theory, thoughts?
Shaco fan film I found on IG by axel productions
Just got game 3 ! :)
Game recommendations for non-gamers?
Anyone knows why my mouse turns red and I can't click on anything sometimes? It happens randomly and when it happens i have no idea how to fix it, thanks in advance!
Prediction time: Who do you think will be the final boss of this DLC?
Buscando grupo para partidas de rol (DyD, Anima, etc) y juegos de mesa
2D-3D Animation project I made with Elden ring!
New to the Quest3 - questions
Would y’all play a SoD/SoM version of TBC?
Undead paladins, any rumors?
Interesting find in the SoD launch trailer!
it feels hard to climb lately
What’s your favourite video game of all time?
I know what I have to do. But I don’t know if I have the strength to do it😪