Does Remarkable support images in notes?
tips for making friends on campus?
Freaky Friday
Apple Shortcuts not loading databases
Mac playing random sounds..? It sounds prerecorded- I checked activity monitor and there’s nothing that could be playing audio that’s open and I have no idea where this audio clip came from. Any ideas?
Does anyone know where I can score a Melodrama vinyl?
Sushi/sashimi grade salmon?
Does anyone know what these small black spots on my new FLF are, and how to treat them? More info in comments.
It's to hot for this crap and I'm not allowed to have things sticking out my window.
Do you prefer Dolby Atmos or Lossless audio more?
Practicing Figma’s Auto Layout by copying Apple website and Instagram
We're hiring!
What's the best activities to do to make progress in a full immersion for a month in French?
How can I tell if a product on Etsy isn’t dropshipped?
Dent in new m1 air book
Can you suggest alternatives for Times New Roman?
Tips for improving 4K monitor lag?
Embroidering a hardcover Moleskine?
Google's getting rid of the Google Wifi app
Graphic design monitor for MBP 2019 13"?
A while back I shared a concept I made for the app- here's some more, including dark mode! I created this redesign concept over the last few days. There's an Adobe XD link in the comments with more detailed images :)
Where did you guys buy your 1-way mirrors?
Can I use Phillips Hue color light bulbs as grow lights?
I cancelled our subscription with HP and they blocked us from being able to use the rest of the ink in our cartridge.