I'd let Luna snow peg me with an icicle
Can someone explain?
How do you lose 13 games? 😭
Qual jogador contratado hoje, deixariam vocês mais confiantes?
Torcida lixo
Qual a opinião de vcs?
the Captain America centurion KO prompt is the trans flag
who is a kinfucker gay?
What did Iron Man say to make Mr. Fantastic mad? (Wrong answers only)
who is an honorable rapist?
It's me or Billie Eilish looks like Shadowheart?
Simples assim 😀
Who's ult voiceline is the most satisfying to cut off? (Image related)
O que vocês fariam se o palmeiras ganhasse o SUPER MUNDIAL em 2025?
What is the Vanguard, Duelist and Strategist you want to see the most being added to the game? Here are mine
Who do you wish was marriageable in Skyrim, but isn't?
Melhores apelidos do Neymar pra usar nessa nova passagem dele no Santos
You all talk about Bae'zel, now it's time for Bald,zel
What are some good counters for THIS comp?
Solid Patriots Jersey Concept
O foda é que esse cara é bom então a negociação será fracassada.
Abel poderia ser o Alex Ferguson, mas a torcida está preocupada com paulistinha