does MSA drop the lowest midterm or replace it with the final in ECON 410?
what should I know for comp 210 and math 233?
do slots open up?
How is Justin Sawon for MATH 233?
How is McLaughlin for Math 233?
Can I still get into Kenan Flagler with a B- in ECON 101?
Can I get into Comp Sci with a C in comp210?
Am I likely to get a 180-capacity class if I am #47 on the waitlist?
is taking two free periods senior year okay?
How wait listing class works
Saddle up
Fellow stats/math majors, what math/stor classes did you despise?
Can I enter in multiple waitlists for the same class? PLS Help
How likely is it to get Math 381 with McCombs if I'm #4 on the waiting list?
Classes still closed?
How likely is it for spots in MATH 381 to open up?
What are some schools that you think are beautiful / have a welcoming vibe?
Help me identify this song please!
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Engineer & Leads Double Major
CS & KF Double Major
An Honest Review of UNC (please!!!)
What colleges are on the rise?
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Manifest Acceptances!