NIN + The Sphere (a thought)
What are the chances they play music from The Slip?
Top 5 favorite songs?
Name for a Mastodon Tribute Band
Today I learned that the entire NIN band appears throughout the "Burn" video, albeit in excessive makeup and costumes (left to right - Finck, Woolley, Reznor, Vrenna, Lohner)
Jack White snubbed at grammys
Disclosure: If this is going to be..
Why were the Prequels hated then, but are Loved now.
Favorite pedal that no one else seems to have?
Am i the only one that really loves this album?
I cannot forgive Ozzy and Sharon for how they treated Jake.
What's a movie you don't mind buying over and over again?
The hole for seven inches of satanic panic is so big
1994 vs. 2025
Year Zero ARG and Tour Shirts
Whats the nin song that made You cry?
The pigs have won tonite..
Daughter was sent home from school wearing this
The tragic loss of Wendy O. Williams.
Tour thoughts
Taking kids to the NIN concert
Concert Friendship Bracelets
NIN Ticket purchasing experience and feedback MEGATHREAD