Tips for 6 stars?
which noxus champ for 6.5 asol?
Any suggestions on which Piltover champion I can use to defeat 6* Fiddlesticks? It feels like every Piltover champions just add a lot of cards to hand, wich is very bad against fiddle.
Patch 5.8 release
Searching for a specila video
Spectral scissors tip?
At what time does the patch come live?
Which champions do you want in 5.4?
How do I make use of portal pals?
Any chance to beat liss?
Any champions suggestions that benefits from this ? My first idea was Janna
Relics tips for nidalee
Best Demacia unit
Been staring at this for quite sometime. What am I missing?
Stefán Karl Stefánsson is the Meme of the Year 2018