Played with a suction cup, it's been two days
On the internet everyone should be using GMT
Step by step way to have quality music PLEASE HELP
who was your favorite boss?
Jar Jar is my favorite character in the entire Star Wars franchise
I’m a hip hop maker who makes hip hop😃
Link me your best tracks on spotify
Stranger Things is NOT a good show and won’t be remembered or rewatched by anyone.
Sometimes I write instrumentals about inanimate objects.
Trump is a laughing stock thanks to Trudeau. JT won so why are canadians so upset?!
I clearly am not to be trusted with Yeti free customization promos 🥖🐍🐕
Please, for the love of everything that is true and good in the world, learn the difference between “then” and “than.”
Democrats are spineless
Which one you would rather became your follower henchmen ?
AITA for unplugging my fiancée’s phone (fully charged) to use my own charger when my phone was at 4%?
Canadian's died fighting along Americans
What the hell was Isayama smoking when he thought of this monstrosity😭
Tim Quote!??
You Gack??
Please help me with this LUFS problem
My son says everything has a 50/50 probability. How do I convince him otherwise when he says he's technically correct?
I have a serious question
Besides chicken wings, what are other foods that are a good canvas for trying out hot sauces?
Any space for fingerstyle guitarists here?
By Mantis-F aka TheFear_14. So I was looking at some of the classic Shounen Anime and the many ways they could have written women better and I good would it have been...if the WOMEN were the protagonists and the powerhouses INSTEAD of the men?