Got called ugly elf bitch on the night shift. Reminds me on when a man on the street called me snake eyed bitch. What else ya got? Almost 33F 💀
This is racism at its finest.
Am I overreacting?
What is something that drastically improved your mental health?
What did we think about Kendricks half time show?
I grind my teeth so hard at night that I’m wearing through my night guard
Washing lab clothes
My husband's Trump obsession has turned our home into a MAGA shrine and I'm losing my mind
Tell me a movie(s) that made you stare blankly at the wall for 20 minutes after it finished?
To those who didn't vote, was it worth it?
My gf F27 rarely has sex with me M25
If you had the chance to kill two, and only let one live, who are you choosing to spare?
AIO to my husband (we’re both 45) being friends with a 31 year old woman that he works with who he also texts often (messages are between him and her)
What is your reason to stay alive?
What America just did...
Why is organic chem so stigmatized?
If this monster was blocking your path, what would you do?
time? Be kind - I am 73
January 2022 (26) - January 2025 (29)
Which Main Character do you resonate with the most?
Cheating on your long term partner.
Another angle
What's a book you had to read for school (high school or college), but it was actually really good?
what does my art taste like?