Question about strafing
White boy drops sick beat
Normally, men like men things (rough, strong, male stuff) and woman like woman things (cute, graceful, fragile, girl stuff), but in sexuality they are usually attracted to the opposite (most men like woman and woman like men)
In response to a headline about how same-sex couples feel afraid to hold hands in public
Games you want to see with the Index
People who have made friends outside of work and school, how on earth did you do that?
What game you would like to see being ported to VR?
The difference could not be more clear. Maine elected a democrat governor in 2018, and they are passing a bill that will require MaineCare to cover abortion. Georgia elected a republican Gov. in 2018, and they just passed one of the most anti-choice laws in the nation. Elections. Matter.
10k Members, Subreddit Styling and User Flair!
Redditors, what random statistic would you like to know?
As an adult, what was the biggest bullshit thing you believed in as a kid?
The best thing about these controllers
You just died. All of a sudden, the first thing you see is a review site- an option to leave 1 to 5 stars with a dialogue box directing the data to What review do you leave with how many stars and why?
Humanity ist about to get killed by Aliens, you are one of the very last humans and you have to defend your Family. When the enemy comes and you know you will die, you will be proudly defending your family - what song is being played?
Why did Angela Merkel really opened the german borders for refugees?
Is Rosalia extremely shit or do i just have no taste?
[AMA] Ich bin Polizeibeamter in einer sächsischen Großstadt. Fragt mich alles !
What's an 'oh shit' moment where you realised you've been doing something the wrong way for years?
Who helps me to analyze my csgo demos?
Movement in VR