Keeping a Dutch Number When Leaving the Country
Pros/Cons of Mineral B Country Pan vs Stainless Saucier?
Sternum Popping
Help with emerald cut
Advice for kitchen renovation
Tendon Surgery Scar Adhesion Treatability
Fix for exhaust pipe?
The Questions Thread 06/23/24
Can a cobbler change metal eyelets from visible ones to invisible ones? I have some dress shoes that have visible eyelets, whereas most of my dress shoes have hidden eyelets. I think the visible ones are less formal.
Question: Can a cobbler change metal eyelets from visible ones to invisible ones
Airco Installer Stole Deposit
Recommendation for first skis
Best authentic pasta in Amsterdam?
Want to convert this two-seater to a one-seater. Bad idea? How would you make the joins?
What is the purpose of the fins inside this faucet cartridge? And does it matter if the replacement has slightly different dimensions?
Does anyone know what these transparent things in the tram walls are for? It looks like they are for seeing something inside the wall, but I'm not sure what.
Those who returned to the US after living abroad, how did you find it?
My alocasia sanderiana putting out its first leaf after losing all of its leaves while living in soil. Moved it to semihydro and it’s finally growing!
TMJ Treatment in Amsterdam Area?
TMJ Treatment in Amsterdam, Netherlands? xpost r/amsterdam
Too old to transition these ficus to semihydro?
Outfit Feedback and Fit Check - January 05
[Fit Check] Brave Star Regular Taper 14oz Japan Mills Selvage