Trying to get Pink Floyd to click
What are your Ieast favorite 1D songs?
What cte opinion will have you like this
Excerpt from Omnipotent regarding one of Rossis other crimes which shows complicity in the Gacy murders
What’s your fav and least favorite song from your fav album?
My favorite part of any Steely Dan song
Memes like this used to be the peak of entertainment huh
Thoughts on Cry Of Love? I really like it maybe just as much as Axis Bold As Love
Was John Bonham a great drummer?
Who Played Little Wing Better SRV or Hendrix?
John Gacy's interior house photos
Does anyone know the story behind John and G.G Allin?
More Michael Rossi Information (He’s lawyered up)
The face you make when your crush doesn’t eat carrots
He’s trying to find where broken hearts go
Gacy's crawl space
Which 1D song do you rank the lowest?
igns top 10 lego games, how we feeling?
If you were homeless, what food would you STILL refuse if offered by someone?
Why was matthew bowman's and robert gilroy's photo swapped in some newspaper clippings.
Is Michael rossi alive?
Which actor do you think has the most awkward scenes? I”ll start:
I feel so unimportant to others
least fave one d songs
What musician is very overrated?