Rate my 3k (5lvl 1119 elo, 7-8lvl lobby)
Vad är ett rimligt mål?
Men; do you feel sexy? When was the last time you felt like you were sexy or attractive and *truly* believed it?
How do i get rid of this popup?
If i was born a thousand years ago.
Bluescreen causing "noShow"
Bästa ljudboken
If money weren't an issue, what's the first thing you'd buy?
Things in porn that turn you off, what are they?
Have a good day!
What’s your “if I open this, I eat the whole bag” food?
You're given $10 million but can only spend it on things starting with the first letter of your name-what do you buy?
Adhd medication
I have no social contact.
Brukare av Tesla, alla modeller!!
Någon som vet hur man kan skaffa vänner om man är isolerad?
Vad brukar ni dricka när ni röker?
What is important?
Vilka är era manliga förebilder?
Replacement of suspension gone wrong.
Såhär kan man också göra
Blev precis klar med denna oljemålning, hjälp mig namnge den!
A woman i like.