Is this real?
What do you think? Which characters deserved more screen time?
Color Theory
Who would be your top pick?
Which app do you use to track your NoFap streak?
I found this in summer in croatia
I found this in summer in Croatia
The solution
I think this guy broke his own record
Who do you think is more fun to play?
Can you say “yes” in another language
Vélemény elutasítva
Can i buy this skin with bling?
Watch Player 100 get slapped for 1 minute
Melyik az a sorozat aminek nehezen álltál neki,de a kedvenced lett?
Town halls of the 10 largest cities in Hungary
Look, how cute he is
end result
Real or fake
This is the dumbest thing ever
Wth is this supercell?
Update: Supercell reloads my offer
These are all the unreleased skins (That aren't confirmed to arrive to the game), which is your fav?
My first ever main (byron and gene main now) is finally on 1k