Carthage leader?
Exploration: when not going for culture you should use missionaries for scouting?
AI doesn’t understand towns vs cities
What is commander recovery time?
What Civ/Leader combo do you really want. (Any game)
The Independent powers are driving me nuts
I accidentally purchased founders and doc edition with these conflicts with each other because my DLC‘s are not working
Do you enjoy playing on Deity? CIV 7
Civ7 (PS5): Is there some trick to make your manual saves actually work?
Cant take last tile in a war Civ 7
Bought Civ 6 instead of 7 by accident
PSA: You can embark Army Commanders Onboard Fleet Commanders
Anyone experiencing frequent crashes for Civ 7 on PS5?
Civ VII just crashed so hard it deleted itself...
Can you turn off the Happiness crisis but excluding it. I like the other crisis but not this one
Anyone see the ai make any airplanes
Napoleon Emperor
How does multiplayer work?
I’m really having trouble scoring an economic victory in explorer age
CIV VII PS5 player here. Is there a way to hover over the yields on the top left of the screen?
What game I should try?
What do you produce at the end of ages ?
From a gameplay perspective, why do YOU want a 4th era?
Units Keep Disappearing
Build Academy Bugged