Here is a cheap team for 650k.
Players with 7-8 wins in WL, please reply.
Which Endrick looks better based on stats?
I’m definitely skipping gg’s EA
Can we create a cool 433 (4)?
I think I don't want to grind the 82x20 anymore.
Promotion match
Why Base Desailly is not extinct for the EVO? Is he a bad choice?
4411 Midfield Tactic
Who to do first?
Looking for a new striker, please vote on your choice!
Defending in the new patch.
Is it worth paying 40k for this evo? I have tradeable Theo
Waiting for a great SBC to send all the fodder.
Which formation are you using?
Please explain the full tilt in Rivals.
Friendly Reminder About Friendlies
Anybody know if there’s a new Zidane out you can evo for free?
Show me your favourite kits!
are u guys saving up rewards and packs for toty?
Another 442 tactic.
Difficult team and financial management decision.
How many years have you played and how many legit TOTYs have you packed?
Which CB would you choose?