Will Activa (Meat Glue) work on something with oil on it?
Lipodissolve to Belly: Fluid is Traveling Through My Body?
Does anyone else find it incredibly sad that Merry, Pippin, and Aragorn were the only surviving members of the Fellowship who didn’t go to the undying lands, but were still buried together since the Fellowship always remains united?
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A black egret in the hyperacidic ferich brines of the Danakil Depression, Ethiopia
People who self-describe themselves as "weird" are not that weird.
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Midweek Arrabiata and Burrata
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what's this bug that flew into my kitchen? [British Columbia]
Weekly Ask Anything Thread for March 14, 2022
Annihilation (2018) is one of the best sci-fi/horror films I have ever watched.
Re-[INTRO] I'm baaaaaaack!
Official /r/MealKits Monthly Request & Offer Sharing Thread - January 2022
What was the moment you realized that you shouldn’t have showed up to a date?
In movies, we always see Executioners with bags over their heads when they execute or travel; what is the origin of these masks, and did they really always wear them when traveling on horseback?
Who is the worst on-screen kisser?
What are some examples of 'Matches Made in Heaven'?
Brooke Lynn Hytes