What are the less talked about physical symptoms anxiety has caused you?
Do you know the reason you developed this type of eating disorder?
If you could delete one thing in the world out of existence forever what would it be?
No k-hole
No psychodelic effect?
Treatment resistant
Snorting Vs infusions
Is there a chance?
what season are you on?
Does ketamine make psychiatric drugs work better?
DAE overshare because they want to shock people?
What is your worst day in your life and how did it go?
Literally the first word that pops into your head now!?
Did ketamine helped you while ECT didn't
I cannot stand normal people
Quiet borderline and C-PTSD
Kiedy staliście się dorośli?
What do you hate the most about being borderline?
Co kategoryzujecie jako „luxury beliefs” (przekonania dla bogatych).
Is it for me
What are your everyday symptoms? Any strange ones?