Show me a bigger tongue than this monster
Can anybody identify what this is?
Songs that instantly lift your mood
Loves fetching hates returning
Brothers having fun
Rocco looking serious
What's your favourite opening line to a song?
Happy Christmas from the bandana brothers.
what is your favorite quote from an adult film?
Where there’s water there’s Roco
Are hotel e-cig detectors really a thing?
Why don't people ditch timezones and just use universal time? Sure, the work hours would be different worldwide, but at least when it's 10 AM, it's 10 AM everywhere, wouldn't it make much more sense then?
The cost of jury duty - Should it be a legal entitlement for full wage/income when called for jury duty?
Anyone add anything like bath salts to their ice bath? Just using a normal bath with a bunch of ice, but wondered if adding salt to the water is good idea, or not.
Ice bath with salt
Got an ice pod today, any tips for a first timer?
Birthday boy Rocco 1 today!
Name me!
Kobi loves the snow
Rocco & Kobi
How do I prevent my clever teen from using the TV (socket or plug lock?)
Double trouble
Labrador paddle power by brothers Rocco & Kobi
What’s the worse explanation you’ve had when something wasn’t right in a hotel.
I have jury duty next week. Never done it before, any tips or advice?