Clementine-cute or evil?
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What age did you move toddler/child to their own bedroom?
What did you get secondhand? [Ns]
How often do you bathe your toddler?
Big girl bed + weaning paci, same time or space them out?
Hobbies for ADHD women
always splorin
Buy Canadian - share your favourite Canadian brands
Sick toddler fell asleep at 5:30pm, do I let them sleep the night?
Names beginning with E (female)
Girl names that start with “L”
Do you freeze in winter just because putting a jacket on is too much work? lol
Kissing your older kids on the lips?
Maternity Leave Show
Worst nightmare - she pooped in the pool
At what age …
Would/Did you change your surname after marriage? Why?/Why not?
What are the best side-scrolling cozy games (new) for switch.
Lighweight stroller for a newborn[on]
Circumcision or not [on]
What toys do your kids love that you NEVER see mentioned on Reddit?
What REALLY goes on in your home when your toddler is throwing a tantrum beyond any tantrum level seen before?
Not changing diapers overnight
Nontoxic brands that aren’t so expensive