My colleague bought me some shower decor when I left my job. Shoutout to coworkers who think of you!
TIFU by underestimating the impact of an earthquake
Honestly, if not for those eyes, then same. [presepe out of the cage]
Campus fest is during my workshop 😔
How long does RMIT Medical Hub blood tests take to get results?
Quiz time! Lover or brother? 🤗 [The Princess’s Bedchamber Toy]
Should I bother doing a a campus tour if my course is in Melbourne city but my O-week is in city north??
O week
Arguing with UNO on how the play UNO (I actually disagree with UNO tho lol)
Part time jobs in uni?
Why do authors Almost Always pick Black haired MLs when the side characters look much better? [The Incognito Princess]
Class Enrolment
Special Consideration and Course Transfer from Unimelb (ATAR vs Wam)
thoughts on building 13 and 80 from current students?
Laptop or tablet?
enrolment help
Timetable Preferences
He finally succeeds
New Student FAQs (and for some returnees)
Don’t know what other courses to select.
Reality accurate manhwa cat [The Villain’s Daughter-in-Law has limited time]