Celebrated Jewish playwright and actor Shawn Wallace "Dinner with Andre" in conversation with Katie Halper compares Israel's response to Gaza as "pure evil" and in some respects worse than the Nazis
Hi Ethan 👋
Its time to get into politics .
Guess my sign please 🤗
The Great Fall
AIO my (best) friend of 20 years is suddenly too uncomfortable to get lunch with me
Guess my big three 🤪 and mars.
He is not only psychotic but also so cringe💀
A great Coins-A-Plenty day!
Number one in the hood, G! Aqua Teen Hunger Force wins the #2 spot by a landslide. Comment what should be the #3 show - Day 3
Jewish voices out against Zionism protest in New York
It looks like the tariffs on Mexico will not be implemented.
What is your mars sign and what do you like and do not like about your mars sign placement?
I’ve been featured twice on Ethan’s stories, how many are you on?
You don't know, what you don't know
Comment the most recent album you listened to. Most upvoted gets added. Day 1
Describe REBIRTH with one word
Guess my Big 3 🙃👀😉
Murdered by the words on the wall
After months of being on Hasan's side, this comment changed my mind...
What an actual nuke looks like - but it's only one minute not two hours
Guess my big three?💫✨
AIO for getting upset from my wife’s response to my question?
Pop's waited his whole life for this moment
AIO, boyfriend delayed/bailed on evening plans to have impromptu dinner with friends family